At JGU, we understand diversity as differences and similarities. That means we care about each and every one of our members. Students come to us with varying requirements. They all navigate their individual and unique path through university life. This is why we participate in the Stifterverband’s diversity audit. We want to embrace our students’ diversity and support all of them in the best way possible.
JGU already offers a broad range of programs and consulting services designed to address specific needs of our students. However, a diversity-oriented environment cannot be reduced to counseling and supporting students. Strategy development does not only aim at establishing more measures for the purpose of compensating for disadvantages. We want to create an environment that allows for and values various needs, situations and requirements in all parts of campus life: teaching, exams, administration and daily interactions.
Support us – your story can encourage others! On our website, we publish portraits of JGU members whose path through university and academic career was or still is not a straight line. We would love you to share your story with us.
We are also looking for students and employees who would like to talk about their experiences regarding diversity so that we can identify problems and develop and provide solutions. You can call or send an e-mail to us; we are looking forward to talking to you.