Group- and Diversity-Oriented Support Offers

The Johannes Gutenberg University values the diversity of its members and has a wide range of group-specific and diversity-oriented programs meant to support students and staff in whichever situation they may find themselves in.

The following overview is a work in progress and most of the links lead to German websites. If you have questions, comments, or additions, please contact us!

Student need sustainable advising offers which take into account different occasions for advice, as well as the increasing student diversity. Therefore, within the LOB-Project, the subproject Advising developed faculty-specific offers, whose aim is to promote students’ personal competence in order for them to complete their studies efficiently and purposefully.

  • Online training for persons with long-lasting physical problems iSOMA
  • StudiCare (collaboration between the JGU’s Mental Health Services with the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Ulm University)